Showing results for "foot "

57 Search Results


Saphenous Nerve

The saphenous nerve is a cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve in the lower limb. It supplies innervation to the skin of the medial knee, leg, and foot. Course The...


Posterior Tibial Artery

...of the foot. Course The posterior tibial artery begins at the distal border of the popliteus muscle in the posterior leg. Its origin can be described in one of two...


Extensor Digitorum Brevis

The extensor digitorum brevis is an intrinsic muscle of the foot. It is a small, thin muscle which lies underneath the long extensor tendons of the foot. Attachments: Originates from...


Tibialis Posterior

...tarsal bones. Actions: Inversion and plantarflexion of the foot. It also contributes to the medial arch of the foot. Innervation: Tibial nerve Blood supply: Posterior tibial artery By TeachMeSeries Ltd...


Extensor Digitorum Longus

...the dorsal surface of the foot. Attachments: Originates from the lateral condyle of the tibia and the medial surface of the fibula. The fibres converge into a tendon, which travels...

Nerves of the Lower Limb

The Femoral Nerve

...the leg and foot (saphenous nerve). By TeachMeSeries Ltd (2025) Fig 1 Derivation of the femoral nerve from the lumbar plexus. Anatomical Course The femoral nerve is the largest branch...


Flexor Hallucis Brevis

The flexor hallucis brevis is an intrinsic muscle of the foot. It is located within the third plantar muscle layer of the foot and has two heads of origin. Attachments:...


Flexor Digitorum Brevis

The flexor digitorum brevis is an intrinsic muscle of the foot. It is located within the first (most superficial) plantar muscle layer of the foot, between the plantar fascia and...


Abductor Hallucis

The abductor hallucis is an intrinsic muscle of the foot. It is located within the first (most superficial) plantar muscle layer of the foot. Attachments: Originates from the medial tubercle...


Quadratus Plantae

The quadratus plantae is an intrinsic muscle of the foot. It is located within the second plantar muscle layer of the foot, and is a square-shaped muscle with two heads...

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