Showing results for "foot "

57 Search Results

Joints of the Lower Limb

The Knee Joint

...common pathology affecting the knee joint. It is caused by a force being applied to the side of the knee when the foot is placed on the ground. Damage to...

Bones of the Lower Limb

The Patella

...participating in sports such as: football, rugby and ice hockey. Patellar Fracture Patellar fractures usually result from direct trauma to the bone, or sudden contraction of the quadriceps muscle. They...

Muscles of the Lower Limb

The Fascia Lata

...stimulated, the tensor fasciae lata tautens the iliotibial band and braces the knee, especially when the opposite foot is lifted. The property of TFL tightening the fascia lata is analogous...

Pathways in the Central Nervous System

The Descending Tracts

...Hyperreflexia – increased muscle reflexes Clonus – involuntary, rhythmic muscle contractions Babinski sign – extension of the hallux in response to blunt stimulation of the sole of the foot Muscle...

Anatomical Areas

The Femoral Triangle

...compartment of the thigh, and provides sensory branches for the leg and foot. Femoral artery – responsible for the majority of the arterial supply to the lower limb. Femoral vein...

Bones of the Lower Limb

The Tibia

...fractured. This is caused by the ankle being twisted inwards (over-inversion) – the talus of the foot is forced against the medial malleolus, causing a spiral fracture. This rarely happens...

Anatomical Areas

The Popliteal Fossa

...are: Weakened or absent plantar flexion Paraesthesia of the foot and posterolateral leg An aneurysm of the popliteal artery can be detected by an obvious palpable pulsation in the popliteal...