Inferior Palpebral Nerve

Written by Akila Wasalage

Last updated July 15, 2024 • 4 Revisions

The inferior palpebral nerve is a nerve of the head and neck region.

It arises from the infraorbital nerve and supplies sensation to the skin and conjunctiva of the lower eyelid.

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The inferior palpebral nerve arises from the infraorbital nerve, immediately distal to the infraorbital foramen.

After its origin, the inferior palpebral nerve travels superiorly towards the lower eyelid, underneath the orbicularis oculi muscle.

It terminates as sensory branches which supply to the skin and conjunctiva of the lower eyelid. They join with branches of the facial and zygomaticofacial nerves at the lateral angle of the orbit.

Fig 1
The course and branches of the infraorbital nerve

Sensory Supply

The inferior palpebral nerve supplies sensation to the skin and conjunctiva of the lower eyelid.