
Written by Max Bidewell

Last updated January 20, 2023 • 3 Revisions

The geniohyoid is a suprahyoid muscle of the neck. It is located either side of the midline of the neck, deep to the mylohyoid muscle.

  • Attachments: Arises from the inferior mental spine of the mandible. It then travels inferiorly and posteriorly to attach to the hyoid bone.
  • Actions: Depresses the mandible and elevates the hyoid bone.
  • Innervation: C1 nerve roots that run within the hypoglossal nerve.
  • Blood Supply: Sublingual branch of lingual artery.

Fig 1
Lateral view of the neck with three of the suprahyoid muscles highlighted (digastric, mylohyoid and stylohyoid)

Fig 2
Anterior view of the neck with the suprahyoid muscles highlighted.

Pro Feature - 3D Model