Showing results for "tibia"

66 Search Results

Blood Vessels and Lymphatics of the Lower Limb

Venous Drainage of the Lower Limb

...posterior tibial artery, entering the leg posteriorly to the medial malleolus. On the posterior surface of the knee, the anterior tibial, posterior tibial and fibular veins unite to form the...

Bones of the Lower Limb

Bones of the Foot: Tarsals, Metatarsals and Phalanges

...foot. They are also the attachment point for several muscles: Medial cuneiform – tibialis anterior, (part of) tibialis posterior, and fibularis longus Lateral cuneiform – flexor hallucis brevis Clinical Relevance:...

Anatomical Areas

The Tarsal Tunnel

...are: Tibialis posterior tendon Flexor digitorum longus tendon Posterior tibial artery and vein Tibial nerve Flexor hallucis longus tendon The mnemonic Tom, Dick and a Very Nervous Harry can be...

Nerves of the Lower Limb

The Cutaneous Innervation of the Lower Limb

...the tibial nerve. It supplies the medial aspect of the heel. Sural nerve – formed by contributions from the tibial and common fibular nerves. It supplies the lateral margin of...

Muscles of the Thigh

Muscles in the Posterior Compartment of the Thigh

...It also extends the thigh at the hip, and laterally rotates at the hip and knee. Innervation: Long head innervated by the tibial part of the sciatic nerve, whereas the...

Muscles of the Lower Limb

The Fascia Lata

...(the crural fascia). Attachments are made at bony prominences around the knee including the femoral and tibial condyles, patella, head of fibula and the tibial tuberosity. Central The deep aspect...

Nerves of the Lower Limb

The Deep Fibular Nerve

...leg. Accompanied by the anterior tibial artery, it descends in a plane initially between the tibialis anterior and extensor digitorum longus, and then distally between the tibialis anterior and extensor...

Anatomical Areas

The Popliteal Fossa

...structures entering and leaving the leg. Its contents are (medial to lateral): Popliteal artery Popliteal vein Tibial nerve Common fibular nerve (common peroneal nerve) The tibial and common fibular nerves...

Nerves of the Lower Limb

The Sciatic Nerve

...hamstring muscles and adductor magnus. When the sciatic nerve reaches the apex of the popliteal fossa, it terminates by bifurcating into the tibial and common fibular nerves. Note: the sciatic...

Nerves of the Lower Limb

The Common Fibular Nerve

...the popliteal fossa, where the sciatic nerve bifurcates into the tibial and common fibular nerves. It follows the medial border of the biceps femoris, running in an inferolateral direction, over...

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