Calcaneal Nerve (Medial)

Written by Danusha Sivakumar

Last updated May 6, 2024 • 4 Revisions

The medial calcaneal nerve is a sensory branch of the tibial nerve in the foot.

It supplies sensation to the medial aspect of the heel.

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The medial calcaneal nerve is a branch of the tibial nerve. It arises in the tarsal tunnel – an area posterior to the medial malleolus at the ankle.

After its origin, the nerve moves superficially to perforate the flexor retinaculum (the roof of the tarsal tunnel).

It terminates by dividing into several branches within innervate the skin of the medial heel.

Fig 1
Course of the medial calcaneal nerve. It arises within the tarsal tunnel posterior to the medial malleolus

Sensory Supply

The medial calcaneal nerve provides cutaneous innervation to the medial aspect of the heel and sole of the foot.

Fig 2
Cutaneous innervation to the sole of the foot.